All posts by xlmtechnologies

New era for sending transactional and promotional emails to your clients for free

Sendgrid is one of the popular email sending, tracking reporting solution in recent days, there is lot of traction in recent days on sendgrid tool is mainly due to its user base, sending with api and easily integratable with your software and its free to start with and upgrade once your business grows. Also this software provide the the integration through SMTP and API. There are many alternative solutions in market similar to send grid but this software is making more news. In my future posts I will cover on alternatives as well. The combination of two companies sendgrid and xlminds can meet and excel your software communication needs to your organization or business.

Combination of No code to develop a software

In one of my other posts we have referred to airtable and retool solution to quickly develop your Frontend / UI development of the software needs, both the tools not so sophisticated in backend tools. Today I would like to you to explore an amazing tool called mulesoft. Mulesoft is the one which can convert from one datasource to other, say you have database and you need to expose to API then it might be a good use case for mulesoft. Mulesoft provide multiple such combination not limited to database such as AWS S3 buckets, AMQP protocols, kafka, azure service bus, hadoop, ldap, dynamics 365, mongodb, oracle , salesforce or any API.  This enables organizations to develop a middle layer for software and LOW code ui tools can be used to develop the frontend. With that you can have end to end software developed in much lesser time

More information on cypress:

Note: XL Minds can offer you the free consultation services for your API or software needs needs.

Another No Code Software or Low code front end solution for your decent organization needs

In one of my other posts we have referred to airtable solution. As per my view retool is next version of airtable solution for now. My experience with retool is you can develop a UI Software easily if you know little bit on database or API without a development knowledge. For non coders you can integrate the Google spread sheet etc into reetool easily. This tool can generate a software with All CRUD operations (Create read update delete) with help of retool features such as query, apps, resources etc. All these comes with little cost as Free to $10 per month. As per the company claims that we can develop a software In hours. But in my view practically not in hours but certainly less than the traditional development. You can provide free consultation from xlminds for services on retool.

More information on cypress:

Note: XL Minds can offer you the free consultation services for your Retool or Software needs needs.

Software architect reviews on test automation with cypress

Cypress is definitely a good tool to work with support of first class citizen Javascript and fast and quite reliable in terms of false failures, XHR validation, inbuilt Shadow DOM Support and Developer friendly so cypress reached the first class marks But still it lags basic things such as fully claimed support on non chrome family browser, Full support on handling the new tabs, Inbuilt xpath support, object spy, mobile support and also more developer friendly than the layman friendly to add new test cases. Also, no inbuilt integration such as test data management, excel, word , powerpoint, PDF and Database support, however all these things can be achieved the javascript. 

More information on cypress:

Note: XL Minds can offer you the free consultation services for your automation needs.

Monitor your small Scale to medium scale software infrastructure, hybrid cloud to affordable price

Monitoring the hardware assets and Cloud resources are vital thing for any company, decent IT budget will go in this space. There are lot of opportunities in automating  the infrastructure management in the growing inhouse IT, Cloud and Hybrid cloud Trend. Certainly tools such as opmanager from manage engine will help you maintaining these infrastructure at very affordable prices ranging from free to hundreds of dollars. This tool will offer from Basic features such as RAM, hard disk, process monitor, Java Virtual machine (JVM) monitor, Network monitor, Data center monitor, Storage monitor and alerts. Also this tool provide an beautiful reports and monitor data will be saved for future reference. I can call it as hidden jem for the companies to use this. That’s it for inshort, many more to talk about and can consult XLMinds for free consultation and support.

More details click here:

Note: XL Minds can offer you the free consultation services for your automation needs.

Building a small software is just DIY (do it yourself) but experts is essential if you are stuck and requires more critical tasks

Title: Building a small software is just DIY (do it yourself) but experts is essential if you are stuck and requires more critical tasks.

Building the small software is not at all a deal now a days. Its an era of No Code Software building solutions. Building small software can be DIY (do it yourself) with the help of Vendors like Airtable with free or very minimal cost. Remember the experts services can make you building the right software even tough it is no code solutions. In turn make most from the services like airtable with experts consultation and advice to keep your cost minimal or free. You can create or experts on behalf of you or organization can create the software with less cost, faster and most reliable with no code or low code solutions. Airtable write a nice gazy User interface and your business flows by keeping spreadsheet as database.

More details Click here (

Note: XL Minds can offer you free consultation services for your software needs.

Schools, colleges and education institutes can go online for free software and consultation with google classroom

At the times of COVID 19 is growing to COVID 20, e-Learning plays vibrant role, Google classroom free program enables small, medium and likely large institutes to go online in a shorter with the consultation and experience from experts. Google Classroom can offer the creating assignments grading (correcting the answers), distributing the notes, online class sending email notification for assignments. Experts can enable, configure train teach the google classroom to layman teachers who doesn’t have much software knowledge.  Google classroom offers web based, android app bases solutions.  Best IT Support team (who can work for eduction institution) will make savings to college and make easier with minimal cost. This will have with seamless integration with Google mail (most favorite email provider) and google drive, sheets etc.

Note: XLMinds wanted to help society for Corona pandemic situation by providing a free consultation and primary support for educational institutions.

VFS Diet

Location: Singapore
Services Offered: Website Development, LMS Development, Maintenance
Technology: WordPress, PHP, MySQL, ASP.NET, Bootstrap, Javascript, JQuery, HTML5, CSS3
, Woo-commerce

VFS fit

Location: Singapore
Services Offered: Website Development, LMS Development, Maintenance
Technology: WordPress, PHP, MySQL, ASP.NET, Bootstrap, Javascript, JQuery, HTML5, CSS3
, Woo-commerce